Grant Title: Enhancing Physician Referral and Recommendation of Pharmacist Provided MTM Services
Grants Awarded Number
Grant Complete, 2013
University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy
Madison, Wisconsin
Grant Category
Pharmacy Management & Ownership
MTM Services
Grant Docs
CPF Synopsis | Report
Res Social Adm Pharm | J Am Pharm Assoc
Patient uptake and physician awareness of programs implementing pharmacist provided MTM services have not been optimal. This has limited physician referral and acceptance of pharmacist-provided recommendations, one of the identified challenges of further implementation of these programs. The objective of this project is to build a communication structure between local pharmacists and physicians for purposes of enhancing and encouraging physician referral and recommendation acceptance of pharmacist services. Our plan is to partner with the Wisconsin Medical Society WMS, who will identify physicians interested in collaborating with pharmacists. Pharmacists in the same zip codes and providing MTM services will be paired with them and asked to participate in structured interviews to determine common language, values and goals related to MTM services. The interviews will be content analyzed so that the information may be synthesized into marketing tools that will help build awareness of MTM programs, lead to physician referrals, and increase acceptance of pharmacist-provided drug therapy recommendations. We hope that this project will set a foundation for a two-pronged approach to patient care with physicians, in addition to pharmacists, recommending services.
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  • Applicant:
    Michelle Chui
    Pharm.D., Ph.D.
    University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy