Grant Title: Enhancing Mental Health Care through Community Pharmacists Administration of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics LAIA
Grants Awarded Number
Grant Complete, 2022
University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
Grant Category
Therapeutics, Diseases & Populations
Mental Health, LAIA
Grant Docs
Presentation | Synopsis | Presentation | Tool - Survey | Tool - Encounter Form | Tool - Waiver | Tool - Collaborative Practice Agreement
1.Aim 1: To develop a training program for community pharmacists introducing them to value of LAIs, best practices in the administration of LAIs in patient care settings, and the setting up collaborative practice agreements with prescribers to administer the LAIs to eligible patients. Hypothesis: LAIA training can be developed to give community pharmacists satisfaction in knowing and performing best practices of setting up collaborative practice agreements, administering and monitoring LAIAs. Approach: Focus groups of community pharmacists and an expert advisory panel will inform development of LAIA training to promote safe dispensing, administering, and monitoring of LAIA among community pharmacists. LAIA knowledge and skills will be assessed by experts, and pharmacists satisfaction with training will be explored through interviews.2.Aim 2: To determine the acceptability and feasibility of LAIA administration and management by community pharmacists.Hypothesis: Community pharmacists trained in LAIA will report ease with the process of administering LAIAs in the pharmacy, monitoring of side effects and efficacy, and communicating visit outcome and making appropriate follow-up recommendations to the prescriber. Approach: Surveys and interviews will be administered to community pharmacists, LAIA injection patients, and the LAIA prescribers before community pharmacists start initiating LAIA injections and 6 months after providing LAIA injections and measure the nature and extent to which there were changes in: 1 ease of administration and monitoring, 2 communications between pharmacists and patients about LAIA injections, 3 communications between pharmacists and prescribers about LAIA injections, and 4 LAIA adherence rates, and 5 prescriber report of patient symptom control.
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  • Applicant:
    Nathaniel Rickles
    PharmD PhD
    University of Connecticut